Clare Marley is a veteran land use planner with Ruen-Yeager & Associates, Inc., also serving as a contract planner for the City of Kootenai. She is a certified land use planner and grant writer with 27 years of planning and public administration experience. She has worked on a wide variety of projects, including major planned unit developments, comprehensive plan and code updates, and floodplain/wetlands restoration grants. Ms. Marley has authored two successful amendments to Idaho Code related to road vacations and subdivision plats. She is SEEP (Stormwater & Erosion Education Program) certified and teaches local stormwater classes. A long-time member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, she has served on the executive board of the Idaho Chapter of the American Planning Association and is currently a member of the APA legislative committee.
Clare Marley, AICP
Planning & Zoning